Challenge coins custom

A challenge coin captures the military and first responder's sense of service and patriotism, as well as instilling confidence in those who hold them. Most readers may not be aware of the history or use of the relevance of "challenge coins," but they are common in many military hierarchies today. Veterans of the United States Armed Forces, law enforcement, and firefighters have been known to display coins of strong unit or brotherhood symbolism for some time. Any piece carries specific community symbols or mottoes and is commonly exchanged and handed down by members of the team. Great novels (such as War and Peace, Crime and Retribution, or Catcher in the Rye) may or may not be based on actual facts, fictionalized versions of these times, but the accounts have come to symbolize, particularly in popular imagination, and are accepted as authentic in such. In the context of a contest, “the challenge coin” was first used in 1946, and its use goes back as f...